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Spring Recipes and Cleanses

Spring is the time for your body to start anew and rid yourself of harmful toxins that may be affecting your daily life.

Everything from overeating, not resting enough and eating processed and refined foods can be putting your body out of balance.

Spring is the season to focus on your liver and gall bladder and return your body to balance and natural flow. Here are some recipes and suggestions that will cleanse your liver and give your body a reboot, ultimately improving your mood and ailments you may be facing.

Cleansing is an important part of restarting and bringing balance back to your body. This practice can include abstaining from solid foods for a short period of time and focusing on drinking fruits and vegetables or eliminating certain food groups from your diet. Having a liquid-based diet or removing certain foods from your diet can eliminate toxic buildup in your organs and allow for your body to be cleansed.

Master Cleanser

lemons-511479_640This common cleanse is easy to follow, cheap and has been largely popular in recent years.

The Master Cleanser is also known as the “lemonade diet” and consists of drinking a mixture of water, squeezed lemon, maple syrup and cayenne pepper for ten days.

You are suggested to drink at least six 8-ounce glasses of the mixture throughout the day and whenever you feel hungry, as well as a laxative tea such as peppermint tea at night.

  • 2 tablespoons fresh squeezed lemon juice
  • 1-2 tablespoons 100% maple syrup
  • 1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 8 ounces of spring water

Detox Diet

To the right is a list of foods that can be added to your diet to help eliminate toxins and help promote a healthy liver.

These natural foods include everything from antioxidants, diuretics and vitamin-rich nutrients. If you are looking for an alternative to a strict cleanse, add these superfoods to your daily diet to help cleanse your liver and improve overall body wellness!

17 Superfoods That Will Detox Your Liver

  • Apples
  • Asparagus
  • Alternative grains: buckwheat, millet and quinoa
  • Avocados
  • Beetroot
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Citrus fruits
  • Dandelion root
  • Garlic
  • Grapefruit
  • Green tea
  • Olive oil
  • Spinach
  • Tomatoes
  • Turmeric
  • Walnuts

Sources: “Staying Healthy with the Seasons” by Elson M. Haas, M.D.,

How To Celebrate Earth Day

Earth_Day_FlagHeld annually on April 22nd, the world’s first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970. Today, it’s a massive event orchestrated by the Earth Day Network and observed by more than 192 countries. To learn more about Earth Day and how you can show support for the environment on April 22nd.

Turn Off The Lights
Who says you celebrating Earth Day is hard? While there are plenty of laborious ways to support the environment, something as simple as turning off your lights can make a difference as well. Whether you’re working at the office or lounging around your home, turn off any unused lights. It only takes a split second to flip a switch, but doing so will promote a greener Earth while saving you money on your monthly utility bills in the process.

Plant a Tree
Thousands of classrooms, businesses and families plant trees on Earth Day. It’s a simple way to support the environment in a meaningful and tangible way. According to a report published by NC State University, a single tree can absorb as much as 48 pounds of carbon dioxide – a leading greenhouse gas – per year. Furthermore, trees produce and release fresh oxygen back into the atmosphere.      So while industrial companies are tearing down forests left and right, you can lend a helping hand this Earth Day by planting a tree.

We can’t talk about ways to celebrate Earth Day without mentioning recycling. Most people today toss their empty soda cans and bottles into the trash without thinking twice. Unfortunately, this behavior contributes to landfill pollution, filling up Earth’s valuable space with even more trash. Contact a local recycling company in your area to see if they are willing to pick up your aluminum and plastic. Most companies will gladly pick up these materials at no charge to you.

The average car produces a whopping 606 pounds of carbon monoxide, 10,000 pounds of carbon dioxide, and 80 pounds of hydrocarbons each year! Carpooling, however, can cut these emissions in half. Assuming every passenger vehicle in the United States carried just one other person, we could save 33 million gallons of gas per day. Talk with your coworkers to see where they live and whether or not they are interested in carpooling to work.

5 Earth Day Facts

  1. Earth Day was founded in 1970 by Gaylord Nelson, a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin
  2. The first Earth Day led to the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency
  3. In 1990 Earth Day went Global and gave a boost to recycling programs worldwide
  4. Earth Day is the largest civic event in the world with over a billion participants every year
  5. In 2010, the Earth Day Network of 200,000 people generated 40 million acts of green in a single day


The Key to the Golden Palace

Dai_Jin-Inquiring_of_the_Dao_at_the_Cave_of_ParadiseThere is a beautiful legend about a Golden Palace that would please the heart of any person, but, that person must earn the key to the palace through his or her good deeds.

One day, Hung Di approached the Golden Palace and asked the door keeper “What shall I do to earn the key to the Golden Palace?” The door keeper replied “do something nice for somebody else, and you can earn the precious key.”

Huang Di ran to find someone to do something nice for. He searched the streets to find a beggar and gave him the coins he had been saving for years. He waited at the roadside to help people cross the muddy and slippery path. “Now,” he said, “I have surely earned the key.” He hurried to the door keeper, but the old man shook his head sadly and said, “try again.”

Huang Di returned to town disappointed. As he came to a steep pathway he noticed an old woman struggling up the mountain with a heavy load. Huang Di thought to himself, “I shall carry her heavy load all the way to the top and that shall earn me the key!”

His good deed completed, he turned and hurried to the door keeper and cried “the key, the key, I surely earned it now!” The door keeper looked sadly at Huang Di and said, “try again.”

Now Huang Di was discouraged. He decided to abandon his attempt to earn the key to the Golden Palace. Feeling dejected, he walked home in despair. Suddenly he heard a faint cry from the bushes. As he parted the bushes he noticed a shaggy dog caught in a hunters trap. Huang Di knelt and tried to unfasten the trap, pulling at the sharp sticks until his fingers were torn and bloody. Finally, the dog was free. He tore off his shirt and bandaged the shaggy dogs paw. The dog licked his hand and whimpered thankfully. Huang Di scooped up the dog and carried it home.

Suddenly, the old door keeper appeared in front of the tired and bloody Huang Di and handed him the much sought after key to the Golden Palace. Huang Di said, “the key is not for me. I did not help the little dog for the key. I forgot about the key.” To which the door keeper responded with joy, “you forgot about yourself, Huang Di, the key is for those who forget about themselves when doing good deeds.”

We don’t win the rich rewards of life by doing things with the hope and expectation of a reward. Only when we do something through sheer compassion, sincere love, and friendship do we reap the rewards we seek.

Take the Stress Out of the Holidays

Photo Credit: lecates – Flickr

The holidays are a big part of the fall and winter months. This is often a time to reconnect with family and loved ones, to attend social events, and celebrate your beliefs.

­Unfortunately, it can also be a time of extra commitments, nonstop activity, and pressure to get it all done. This can result in a lot of stress both mental and physical.

Everyone feels stressed occasionally, but when it continues for a long time or gets overwhelming it can take a real toll on your health. The immune system is particularly sensitive to its effects, which means that ongoing stress can leave you vulnerable to colds, flu, and other illnesses.

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Seasonal Health: Winter and your Kidneys

branch-437501_1280In Traditional Chinese Medicine, health is achieved by living in balance with nature and the seasons. Winter, the season of the Water Element, is the season for slowing down, reflecting, and conserving our resources. We all feel this tendency, but we don’t always listen to our bodies.  In the Western culture, being active is rewarded and expected. We feel compelled to keep up the hectic pace that is typical in our daily lives.

This season is associated with the kidneys, bladder and adrenal glands and the time of year when these organs are most active, accessible, and even vulnerable. They are more receptive to being restored, nurtured and energized. At the same time, it is also when they can become easily depleted. continue reading »